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How to run

Basic usage

./jc (.exe for windows) [source files] --boolean-argument -key-value-argument=param1, param2, ..., paramN

There're two kinds of CLI arguments:

  • Boolean, that is, just a flag
  • Key-value that receive parameters

Also, arguments have constraints:

  • Non-existent arguments leads to an error
  • For key-value arguments: count of arguments (maybe any count) and allowed parameters (what you are able to write after =)
  • Dependencies. It means that some arguments are not allowed if another argument is not set, e.g. you cannot use --compile-depth (it controls how deep will compilation process go by workflow) without setting the --dev argument.

Example usage.

./bin example.jc --print=ast

The actual list of options

Key-value options

  • --dev-print - (any count of parameters) - Development option that enables printing of representations of some structures on different compilation stages:
    • suggestions - Prints suggestions as non-formatted text for each stage.
    • summary - Prints summary table after when compilation completes (even with error).
    • dir-tree - Prints directory tree where root file is placed, so we can check which files will be compiled
    • source - Prints source for each file will be compiled
    • tokens - Prints token stream (each on a new line) with position and length
    • ast - Prints source code from the view of AST (does not actually print AST as a tree)
    • ast-node-map - (Ignores ast argument if passed) - Prints AST in the same way as --dev-print=ast by also appending node id after each AST node.
    • ast-names - Prints AST with color markers (connections to names) after name resolution.
    • mod-tree - Prints Module-Tree which, i.e. tree of items defined in scope tree.
    • ribs - Prints ribs, i.e. scopes for local variables.
    • definitions - Prints definition list.
    • resolutions - Prints resolution list.
    • all - prints everything described above
  • --log-level - (1 parameter; default: info) - Global log level. The level is checked by precedence where dev has the lowest one and error the higher.
    • debug
    • info - (Default)
    • warn - (Don't confuse with warnings in the context of suggestions)
    • error
  • --lexer-log-level - (1 parameter) - Lexer log level
    • (Same parameters as in -log-level)
  • --parser-log-level - (1 parameter) - Parser log level
    • (Same parameters as in -log-level)
  • --name-resolver-log-level - (1 parameter) - NameResolver log level
    • (Same parameters as in -log-level)
  • --compile-depth - (1 parameter, depends on dev) - controls how deep will compilation process go by workflow (each next argument implicitly includes all previous arguments):
    • parser - stops after parsing files
    • name-resolution - stops after name resolution
  • --dev-stages - (multiple parameters) - Enables dev-mode for specific stages, includes logs and additional info.
    • lexer - Lexing stage
    • parser - Parser stage
    • name-res - Name resolution stage (includes "module tree building", "importation" and "name resolution")
    • lowering - Lowering stage
  • --dev-log - Enables development logs for specific objects and storages.
    • lexer - Enable dev logs for Lexer
    • parser - Enable dev logs for Parser
    • mod-tree-builder - Enable dev logs for ModuleTreeBuilder
    • importer - Enable dev logs for Importer
    • name-resolver - Enable dev logs for NameResolver
    • lowering - Enable dev logs for Lowering
  • --parser-extra-debug (depends on dev) - enables additional debug logs in parser
    • no - (default) - No extra debug info
    • entries - Prints what syntax units parser enters and leave
    • all - Prints entries and also special much info about skipping, etc.
Toggle key-value option arguments
If you want to disable specific argument of key-value option, e.g. passing `--dev-print=all` to exclude `tokens` you need to write `--dev-print all=no` or `--dev-print=all=no`, but first form is more readable. You can use any boolean value to toggle arguments, allowed boolean values described below.

Boolean options

  • --dev - enables dev mode: all logs will be printed including dev-level logs and new logs will be added. Generally just produces more debug info everywhere.
  • --dev-full - (depends on --dev) - Enable all development logs and (maybe) some additional info emitting. You still can disable something using specific option, e.g. --dev-full --dev-print source=no. --dev-full does not enable "extra" options like --parser-extra-debug.
Explicit Boolean option value

What if you want to set bool-arg to false? Let's imagine that --dev is set by default (it is not anyway). There is the pretty same syntax for bool-args as for key-value args.


There's a bunch of allowed bool values:


This values are case insensitive, so you are able to write Y or tRue or False, etc..