This is a list of features and examples I wish would be possible in Jacy.
Main features
Jacy is safe
- Jacy follows Rust' borrowing rules
let a = 123;
let b = &a; // Borrow `a`
let mut value = 0;
let bor = &mut value;
*bor = 1000;
print(value); // Prints `1000`
Non-Copy types are passed by reference
Jacy supports structural sub-typing with tuples
let t = ("abcdef", 2.0, 123);
func foo(tup: (str, float, int));
Jacy is functional
Pattern matching
let a = (1, 2, 3);
let (f, s, t) = a;
match a {
(f, s, t) => // Do something with `f`, `s` and `t`
It is possible to ignore non-important fields
match a {
(f, ...) => // Do something with `f` only
Matched expression can be borrowed
match a {
(ref f, ...) => // Do something with `f` as reference to `a.0`
Lambdas (closures)
let l = x -> x * 2;
print(l(2)); // 4
Pipeline operator
2 |> l |> print; // 4
Jacy is Object-Oriented
Claiming that OOP means that PL has structures containing data and methods -- Jacy is OOP language.
struct A {
field: i32,
impl A {
func foo {
Jacy respects composition over inheritance
Struct implementations can be extended
struct A {
field: i32,
func A::foo {
Jacy doesn't have Garbage Collector, as far as it is statically sets free
Jacy respects Compile-Time Evaluation
const a = 123;
const func fib(n: i32): u64 = match n {
i32::MIN..=0 => panic("`n` is negative or zero"),
1 | 2 => 1,
3 => 2,
_ => fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2),
func main {
const fib100 = fib(100); // 100 fibonacci number computed at compile-time