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The Idea

Jacy is an experimental project that is aimed to have powerful features with ease of use but without an implicitness.

Some main features Jacy would have one day:

  • The base of functional programming (first-class monads, pattern matching,


  • Rustish ownership system and safety

  • trait system

  • Comprehensive type system (generics, type bounds, where clause,


All of these features are not firmly established, that's just a starting point from which the way of research will be done.

What is the muse of Jacy? -- Do as much as we can on compilation-time. At first, I was inspired by modern languages that became fairly popular -- Kotlin/Swift, etc. Anyway, the reason for their popularity is that their purpose is to modernize old technologies, Kotlin for Java, Swift for Objective-C. I fell into a stupor, I didn't want to solve problems of old languages, I wanted to make something new and solid.

Also, I want to describe some kind of Zen, I need a list of common values that Jacy should have in my opinion:

  1. Convenience is more important than anything else, except the cases when convenience violates any other rule.
  2. Everything that can be explicit -- must be explicit.
  3. Safety, safety, and safety, but it is important as far as there's no lack of convenience.
  4. Sometimes we just prototype something and want to write code with the speed of speaking. So every feature in Jacy should be review from the side of coding speed and ease.
  5. If we can help a user with avoiding mistakes -- we help him.