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This feature is mostly syntactic sugar rather than something really helpful, anyway, I want to save it here. It also requires variadic arguments, thus it cannot be implemented in the first versions.

The syntax

Operator-constructor is a syntactic feature, i.e. we only affect the parsing stage (but the name resolution stage requires some changes too).

What operator-constructors could solve is to avoid usage of macros to simply create some collection. In Rust, to easily make a vector you use vec! macro, which is expanded to std::Vec construction and sequence of push calls. Maybe I've already said it somewhere here -- I like macros but I want to get rid of them as much as possible to not require the user to use them everywhere. Then, how does the user make a vector easily without macros? Many languages have special syntaxes for sequences, e.g. @ in Nim, but this @ is an operator, and as I know it's just overloaded for strings and arrays in Nim. This is not actually what I want as it is array/string to sequence conversion instead of {some collection} constructor.

The syntax is following:

let a = Vec[1, 2, 3];

Which is lowered to something like that

let a = std::ops::InitList(1, 2, 3);

STOP!!! This idea is stupid, yes, it gives one more type of constructors which could be useful, anyway, it does not differ from raw constructors as also requires presence of variadic parameters feature.