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Range Operators

Here, I'm going to explain why .. and ..= operators were chosen as range operators instead of other variants.

At first, I'd like to say that the idea of having all 4 options, i.e. range operators "from to both inclusive", "from to left exclusive", "from to right exclusive" and "from to both exclusive", considered bad options for me even though I thought it's could be a nice feature.

The range operators I want to see are from-to-inclusive and from-to-right-exclusive, because all-inclusive option is obviously needed in many places, but from-to-right-exclusive is kind of required as it is a way to iterate over indices, e.g. for i in 0..size.

Why not ..< like in Swift? - The problem is that ..< is a very popular construction and it looks awkward for me. Yes, just a personal opinion. Why not ... like many other languages do? - I see ... as better option for spread operator or rest pattern (such as in Struct {a, b, ...}), and also it would be more familiar to JavaScript programmers.

This exclusions leave us with two options .. and ..=, where .. is likely to be the most popular usage of range operators at all, thus has the simplest construction. That's all.