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The first idea was to use var and val, it's pretty nice, we don't have weird let and let mut like Rust, but then I thought "var and val are pretty confusing, they only differ in r and l, not easy to read". So, I replaced val with let and it looked like the solution. Now, we have let and let mut 😊... Why? I forgot about pattern-matching, Rust's solution is right because let is not a constant var declaration, it is just a declaration of a variable, and the variable name is a pattern in which we can set if it is a mutable or not. I've already reserved the mut keyword, so now we have only one keyword for variable declaration (run-time!).

The syntax.

'let' pattern (':' type)? ('=' expr)?

Anyway, I'm able to add the var keyword and just use it as an alias for let mut. In this way, we are not able to use pattern, just only an identifier, so we also lose the ability of destructuring. I think it does not worth it, let's stay with let and let mut.